Saturday 27 October 2012

Show Gridview Header and Footer without any Data

Show Gridview Header and Footer without any Data

Today I will show how to show gridview header and footer when no data is returned from the dataset or datatable..

The trick here is to add a new blank row to the DataTable that you used as your DataSource if there was no data returned in your query.
Here’s the method for showing the Header and Footer of GridView when no data returned in the query.

    private void ShowNoResultFound(DataTable source, GridView gv)
        // create a new blank row to the DataTable
       // Bind the DataTable which contain a blank row to the GridView
        gv.DataSource = source;
       // Get the total number of columns in the GridView to know 
           what the Column Span should be
        int columnsCount = gv.Columns.Count;
        gv.Rows[0].Cells.Clear();// clear all the cells in the row
        gv.Rows[0].Cells.Add(new TableCell()); //add a new blank cell 
        //set the column span to the new added cell
        gv.Rows[0].Cells[0].ColumnSpan = columnsCount; 

        //You can set the styles here
        gv.Rows[0].Cells[0].HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Center;
        gv.Rows[0].Cells[0].ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;
        gv.Rows[0].Cells[0].Font.Bold = true;
        //set No Results found to the new added cell
        gv.Rows[0].Cells[0].Text = "NO RESULT FOUND!";
As you can see, the method above takes two paramaters, first is the DataTable that you used as the DataSource, second is the ID of your GridView.
All you need to do is Call the method ShowNoResultFound() when your DataSource ( the DataTable) returns nothing. See this example below:

private void BindGridView()
        DataTable dt = new DataTable(string user);
        SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(GetConnectionString()); 
            string sqlStatement = "SELECT* FROM Orders WHERE UserID = @User";
            SqlCommand sqlCmd = new SqlCommand(sqlStatement, connection);
            sqlCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@User", user);
            SqlDataAdapter sqlDa = new SqlDataAdapter(sqlCmd);

            if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) //Check if DataTable returns data
                GridView1.DataSource = dt;
            Else //else if no data returned from the DataTable then 
            {    //call the method ShowNoResultFound()
        catch (System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException ex)
                string msg = "Fetch Error:";
                msg += ex.Message;
                throw new Exception(msg);
The Output is like this:
Header 1    Header 2    Header 3    Header  4
No Result Found
Footer 1    Footer 2    Footer 3    Footer 4 


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